In her private practice based in Berkeley, Julie personalizes and adapts her work to clients of all stages and ages, working primarily with adults and couples but also with children and families. Julie is a licensed Marriage, Family Therapist (MFT Lic. #36095), Certified Somatic Experiencing Practitioner (SEP), Yoga Therapist, Yoga Teacher, as well as a parent of a teenager, working in the field for over twenty-five years.
An Adjunct faculty member in the Somatic Psychology Dept. at the California Institute of Integral Studies ( San Francisco) Julie has long been at the forefront of integrating psyche and the body within a private practice, and group setting. Her training and experience has spanned the gamut: child-centered play therapy at SF General Hospital, adolescent day treatment, and adult psychiatric in-patient as a group therapist, as well as fifteen years leading groups for Functional Restoration Programs for patients suffering from chronic pain. Julie works with all ages and stages of life in a safe and nurturing container.
A teacher and counselor for over two decades, Julie has practiced yoga her entire adult life, her interest first piqued as a teenager. She finds yoga to be one of the most regulating and nourishing practices for her nervous system and loves to share the accessible tools of yoga with beginners and seasoned practitioners alike.
Her approach is challenging yet yielding, focused on the interplay of opposites, and the integration of body, mind and spirit. She adapts the practice to you! She draws on the principles of traditional vinyasa krama yoga, breath-based asana, bhakti (devotion) as well as alignment based- hatha yoga, and other movement systems (Body Mind Centering, Dance Improv.) She is influenced by many systems both within, and outside the yoga tradition from the Indian yoga lineages of Krishnamacharya (training in Ashtanga Vinyasa, and with T.K.V. Desikachar in Chennai at KYM), to musical study of North Indian Raga Vocals at the Sri Aurobindo Ashram and in California with Sri Karunamayee, to years as a performing artist, somatic psychotherapist (MFT), Somatic Experiencing Practitioner (SEP), and writer. Her fluid, creative and intuitive teaching draw inspiration from pioneering teachers: Angela Farmer, Bonnie Banbridge Cohen, Amy Cooper, Mark Whitwell, Swami Nirmalananda and many others. She’s deeply appreciative of the work of pioneer yogini Vanda Scaravelli.
Julie is the author of the Tarcher/Penguin book: 365 Yoga: Daily Meditations. As well as a writer of fiction and poetry.