Offering somatic therapy and counseling sessions via Zoom. A limited number of in-person sessions open at this time. Please inquire.
The Process of Becoming Present
I am a licensed psychotherapist ( MFT 36095) who has been standing at the intersection of counseling, somatics and yoga for over 20 years. My offerings can be interwoven and my holistic model of healing incorporates many complementary modalities and respects the body/mind connection. I specialize in life challenges and transitions and can help you with:
Personal Growth, Family of Origin, Family Systems, Depression, Anxiety , Stress, Relationships, Couples Therapy, Burn Out, Pregnancy, Parenting, Trauma, Body Image Grief & Loss, Addictions, Chronic Pain, Career Transitions, Creativity, Life Purpose, PTSD, Panic Disorders, Health Challenges, Pain Management
Counseling + Somatic Therapy
Julie is a Somatic Experiencing Practitioner (SEP) which is based on the work of Dr. Peter Levine, a leading trauma expert. SE is a modality of therapy where the primary focus is using the body as a resource, tracking the nervous system, and through SIBAM (Sensation, Image, Behavior, Affect and Meaning). This means that we will work together to increase emotional resiliency and nervous system regulation by identifying, and pendulating the Fight, Flight, Freeze,Collapse responses to everyday stressors or trauma.
Julie integrates her training in counseling, mindfulness meditation, yoga, Authentic Movement, Body Mind Centering (BMC), dance/ movement therapy, play therapy ( for children) and Somatic Experiencing into psychotherapy sessions where, and when appropriate. Traditional talk therapy is part of her work, and many clients chose to use talk processing as an important part of their treatment.
Somatic Psychotherapy also known as Body-Centered therapy, is a form of counseling and psychotherapy helpful for all kinds of issues as well as, and, in particular for developmental and/or shock trauma, The body is recognized as the container for felt experience, the lens of the work, and is used as a means to ground the therapy, resource/regulate the client and track sensations and feelings. Julie will help you reclaim the joy of “living in your body,” in a slow, safe way within a safe container of the sessions.
Yoga Therapy + Trauma Informed Yoga
Yoga therapy is an aspect of yoga adapting the various practices to the individual for healing purposes: postures, breathing, meditation, ritual, the texts of yoga, and sound are woven together to integrate body, mind and purpose as well as to heal injury, illness and emotional imbalance. Yoga therapy is also preventative, helping to maintain an optimum state of health for life.
Julie specializes in treating anxiety, depression, developmental + shock trauma and related issues using the body as a resource, the tools of postures, vinyasa krama, and specific breathing practices, in combination with tracking sensations. She has many years of training and experience in the field of yoga therapy for healing, and completed a personal individualized training at the Krishnamacharya Yoga Mandiram in Chennai, India specifically in yoga therapy. Trauma Informed means you, as the client, always have choices and are never pushed into something you do not agree to. It always means that you are the authority of your own experience. We go slowly, titrating and regulating sensations, + emotions.
Authentic Movement
Authentic Movement is a Jungian based approach to therapy, often likened to a waking dream. In AM sessions the client moves freely without talking, (usually with eyes closed) for a set and often very short period of time. This modality focuses on accessing unconscious material or aspects of the psyche that are not always available cognitively. We often start with a simple gesture, or kinesthetic impulse and move from there. The therapist witnesses the movements and offers feedback called “witnessing,” These sessions are powerful body based experiences often deeply transforming, surprising and regulating. Authentic movement requires no previous movement experience, simply a willingness to work from the inside out. Recommended for people who tend to be “heady,” and who desire to access their body intelligence.
Please contact julie@yogabliss.com
Office Policies:
I have a 24 to 48 hour cancellation policy. If you cancel with less than 24 hours notice you will be charged for your session. If you are cancelling due to last minute sickness. I will offer to work with you via Zoom. If you are too sick to join me on Zoom we will try to reschedule your cancelled session within that week- to avoid a session charge. We will work together to make up the session.
Masks and Covid:
For in-person sessions, you must be fully vaccinated. Masks are optional. If you think you have had a Covid exposure we will move the session online for that week. Unless expressly worked out in advance I do not conduct my sessions wearing a mask. The office is spacious and there is an air filter.
Consent Form:
You will be asked to fill out this Informed Consent agreement at our first session. You can print it out ahead of time, or I can provide a copy when you visit in my office.